If you’ve found your way to this web page then you’re interested in learning more about what this initiative is about, and possibly how you can help. The short of it is – is as the title suggests – to improve Montie Beach Park.
Well, what sort of improvements are we talking about? The first stage in the process is to create a Master Plan; which is sort of like a blue-print on what can be implemented on the Park grounds. It’s a comprehensive document that brings together community feedback, analyzes existing conditions, provides site planning recommendations, and numerous other details.
The current campaign drive is to get the necessary funds to pay for a Master Plan which will primarily be paid through our Annual Dia de los Muertos Festival. However, the Festival alone cannot fund the entire campaign. Therefore, we are actively soliciting corporate donors, philanthropists, and local businesses and representatives that are as committed to urban parks and their benefits as we are.
Who are we? We are a group of volunteers that all live in the area (Greater Heights) who are working behind the scenes in order to make this a reality. We could give you all sorts of statistics and studies on the benefits of a well planned urban park. However, I won’t bore you with any of that here (we provided a link so that you can get info) and in reality I don’t need to. Just go to Montie Beach Park on a late afternoon during the week or on the weekend and see for yourself!
The person spearheading this campaign is a Greater Heights resident of over 30 years. In his own words: “I grew up with little means, and as a first generation immigrant it was difficult to find places that were within my parents budget and accessible. Over 30 years ago my parents settled into a tiny two bedroom home that was within walking distance to Montie Beach Park and to a local elementary school. Before there was ever the internet or social media; the park was a place that families & friends came together on the weekends or late afternoons to discuss current events, tell jokes, or make new friends. Today I live in the same place that I grew up in and I take my kids to the same park just as my parents did over 30 years ago. I know the value that Montie Beach Park brought to my life and my hope is that there are other people that feel the same way.”
To make an online gift, click here or on the Make A Donation link below and choose Montie Beach Park Improvement Initiatve from the dropdown list. Checks made payable to Houston Parks Board can also be mailed to 300 North Post Oak Lane, Houston, Texas 77024. Designate your donation to Montie Beach Park by writing it on the memo line of your check.